Not a bad alternative to the bright light

Not a bad alternative to the bright light
The way to the 1st tee at Charleston South, Millstone NJ 5/19/12

Ocean Club Course, Atlantis, Bahamas

Ocean Club Course, Atlantis, Bahamas
5th tee, Ocean Club Course, Atlantis, Bahamas 7/31/12

Charleston South

Charleston South
Looking across the pond to the 5th green from the 2nd green, Charleston South 9/2/11

Why golf? Awesome colors?

Why golf?  Awesome colors?
9th Hole LaTourette 10/21/13

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hershey PA, Manada Golf Club October 16, 2011

The fam took a trip to Hershey PA to see some chocolate and I was able to squeeze in a round at the Manada Golf Club. I walked up at 7:15 and they set me out on the back nine all by my lonesome. I got to play the back nine in ninety minutes. It would have been fifteen to twenty minutes quicker than that if it wasn't for some leaves on 12 and a drive directly into the sun on 14.

                                 Below is the clubhouse from the 10th green, still early AM.

The course was mostly flat, with a few hills, but set against the Blue Mountains, so it was picturesque, as you can see from the photos. Throw in some October colors, not quite peak, but still gorgeous, and I was having one of those 'they built this place for me' moments. I didn't see any other golfers until I was on 15, and he was two holes behind me. I played slightly better on the first nine, which was the back nine. I managed three pars here. The first was the Par 3 11th, 167 yards. I dribbled an eight iron off the tee, about 75 yards. But my second shot on the soaked, soft terrain was a wedge that landed a foot from the hole. I tapped in for par.

The course was soaked from the record rainfall this year. It was playable, and I only seriously plugged one time, but that was probably more due to me hitting the ball poorly, lack of clean loft shots and such. My next par was the photographed 13, a 500 yard Par 5.

I hit a good drive here, landing in the center of the fairway (photo above). My second shot was awful, a yanked five iron that went way left, and put me on the 14th hole, but only about 80 yards out (photo below.  The two pine trees that are left of center above, are on the right side of the picture below).

 I could see the pin, but only half the green, blocked by the pines you see in the picture. I hit this third shot below the green, rolling up barely a foot from the bunker. Somehow I was never in any bunkers today. My fourth shot was an easy chip that landed four feet from the hole, and I made the par putt.

The next hole was the 14th, a 360 yard Par 4. It was a pretty straight hole that dipped down to a green that then sloped up. I felt a great drive, but couldn't see it, driving into the low morning sun. I spent a while finding it, about a hundred out, and in the rough on the left side of the fairway. I hit a wedge shot that stopped on the fringe at the front of the green. I made a nice putt here, parking it three or four feet from the hole, and made the par putt.  Below is the 14th green:

After finishing out the back nine with a 47, I was joined up with Derek and Rodney for the front nine. Derek had his Raiders gear on, which I thought would be sacreligious in Pennsylvannia, even though we were hours from Pittsburgh, but he became a fan at a young age and stuck to it. Derek had a nickname that Rod kept calling him, but I can't seem to remember it. It was something like Scoot. They knew the course well, both had been club champs, Rod in 1980 and 1987, and Derek in 1997. Derek was probably low to mid forties, and Rod was a little older. But they played well, nice smooth swings both of them, and had plenty of tips for me, playing the course blind for the first time. I think they both shot 38's on the front nine.

The front had a few more hills, and the 4th hole ran along a stream, with an elevated green.

After telling me I was playing with former club champs, they both hit nice tee shots, and I promptly yanked one left, just missing the road that led up to the clubhouse. I managed to save a six with a decent fourth shot that landed me on the fringe, followed by a flubbed seven iron that went four feet onto the green, and then a highlight reel 25 foot putt that bent downhill and in.

Derek told me he grew up in the house that was just off the second hole. In fact, if I hit the same drive on 2 that I hit on 1, I would have broken his parents' window. The house was to the left, but hittable if you muffed it. But I hit a fine drive here, straight over a hill to a blind landing. I was on the first cut rough, and hit a very nice eight iron, and landed on the green. Then I three putt for a five. Curses followed.

The 3rd hole was a Par 3 162. I muffed the drive as we talked about football and the Jets (there has to be some excuse) and I didn't recover well. A five on the Par 3, basically sinking all chances of a satisfying score.

I hit a decent drive on the river hole (stream really), and hit a halfway decent second shot with the four iron, uphill to the green. I missed the green right, then muffed my chip on, then went long, and ended up with a 7.

Their weren't many other shots worth mention until the 9th (my 18th). My third shot on the 5th, a dogleg right par 5, was sweet. I hit a lousy drive left (wrong way) and then a flub that managed to roll 80 yards or so uphill. I then hit a pretty five iron, a nice line drive that still came up short of the green, but it was a nice downhill shot, center of the fairway, and ended up 40 yards or less in front of the green. I managed a six.

The long Par 3 I need to say more? A long iron off the tee was a guaranteed flub, and I had a five. The seventh was awful as well. I was putting for five on the seventh, away from the mountain, and came up way short. Rod pointed out that the mountain draws the ball toward it. I was putting away from it and neeeded to hit the ball harder to break it away. I hit a fine drive on 8, but it missed the fairway, and plugged. But I recovered with a five.

The highlight of the round was the ninth (my 18th). I hit a bad drive left, but far enough, leaving me in the rough about 150 out. I hit a fine 8 iron here that landed about six feet from the stick. I missed the birdie, but made the par.

I read a few reviews online about Manada that were less than glowing. I'd agree that it was a simple design, nothing too elaborate as far as island greens and such. But the scenery could not be beat, especially in October with the colors. The place was surrounded by woods, farms and great views on all sides. It was a great golf experience for me, and the company, with Rod and Derek playing well and for some dough and bragging rights, made it a fun time. I'd go back here in a heartbeat.

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